Bookkeeping Services for Yoga and Wellness Studios

bookkeeping for yoga and wellness


When you opened your studio, gym or wellness center, you didn’t think it meant keeping records, tracking payments, and reconciling transactions.

Stop taking time away from the practice that you love!

As a studio owner, you have enough on your plate without worrying about financial tracking and tax compliance. We offer industry-specific services tailored to your studio’s unique needs. Our specialized bookkeeping solutions keep your taxes in check, give you peace of mind in your finances, and frees you to get out of the office and back in the studio. Let us take care of the numbers, so you can focus on what matters most – growing your business and providing exceptional classes.

yoga instructor helping a student with yoga pose. Instructor is happy that she has specialized bookkeeping for yoga studios in her corner

Bookkeeping that can help you get new clients and retain current ones.

Consistent and specialized financial reporting can help you to understand how each of your revenue streams are performing. This insight can help you identify your most profitable classes and offerings, and serve as a stepping stone towards success. With industry specific financial tracking we can determine how many yogis per class (factoring in price) that you need to be profitable. This allows you to focus on your core skills and passion, while the financial aspects of your business are handled with ease and efficiency.

Mindbody, Wellness Living, Wix, Square, etc.

Do you need someone with experience using Mindbody or similar platform? Look no further! Having a bookkeeper that has experience with your internal systems will ensure that your bookkeeping is being handled properly so that you can breathe easier.

Cash flow tracking combined with industry specific bookkeeping for yoga and wellness

Our services are tailored to the unique needs of your studio, and we have a deep understanding of the yoga industry’s financial nuances. We can help you stay on top of your finances, keep track of expenses, and plan for future growth.

82% of businesses fail because of poor cash flow management.  My step-by-step cash flow improvement system will help you to gain the insights you are looking for. Don’t let financial tracking take time away from your passion.

Services Include:

yoga teacher in lotus pose that has more time to teach classes now that she has outsourced her bookkeeping

“True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. ”

 — Aadil Palkhivala

Ready to Get Started?

At Balanced Bear Bookkeeping, you get  dedicated professional bookkeepers, who are ready to help you propel your business forward.

Bookkeeping Services

Monthly Bookkeeping Services

Our core service includes comprehensive monthly bookkeeping to keep your financial records accurate and up-to-date. We handle all aspects of bookkeeping, including transaction recording, bank reconciliations, and financial statement preparation, ensuring a clear picture of your business's financial health.

Clean-Up of Past Years

We specialize in organizing and rectifying your financial records for past years, ensuring accuracy and compliance. This service is crucial for businesses looking to get their accounts in order to prepare for tax filing and future growth.
Packages start at $350 per month.
Get 50% OFF the clean up when you also sign on for Monthly Bookkeeping Services!

Catch-Up of the Current Tax Year

Stay current and compliant with our catch-up services for the ongoing tax year. We'll help you manage your financial records, ensuring that everything is up-to-date and accurately reported for tax purposes.

Quickbooks Pro-Advisor Consulting

As certified QuickBooks Pro-Advisors, we offer comprehensive consulting services to optimize your use of QuickBooks. We provide setup, training, and ongoing support to help you manage your finances effectively.

Cash Flow Management

Efficiently manage your cash flow with our expert guidance. We'll help you track and forecast your cash requirements, ensuring you have the funds needed for smooth operations and strategic investments.

Industry Specific Financial Reporting

Receive tailored financial reports that cater to the unique needs of your industry. Our expertise allows us to provide insightful and relevant financial analysis, helping you make informed business decisions.


Our payroll services ensure accurate and timely processing of employee salaries, taxes, and withholdings. We take care of the complexities of payroll management, allowing you to focus on running your business.

Invoicing (Accounts Receivable)

Simplify your invoicing process with our professional services. We perform regular customer reconciliations make sure that no invoice is missed. We ensure timely and accurate invoicing, helping you maintain healthy cash flow and strong customer relationships.

Bill Pay Management (Accounts Payable)

Manage your outgoing payments efficiently with our bill pay management services. We handle your accounts payable, ensuring that your bills are paid on time and your financial obligations are met.

Free Up Your Time

The biggest gift we can offer is more time! You can work on what you love to do and truly switch off when you head home.

Schedule a Free Consultation


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